Hillgrove PR, London, the top-notch PR
agency, looks into the prospects of Facebook after the issue of its IPO.
Morgan Stanley and other brokerages who
managed Facebook's IPO entry into the share market expressed optimism about its
long-term potential in recently published reports. And most of these brokerages
expect the social media giant to garner a significant share of the huge
internet advertising market, considering its 900 million or so large user base.
But there was a general opinion that
Facebook's business model was unclear and there were questions about how it
plans to make money from the growing number of users logging in through
smartphones and other mobile devices.
Currently, the Facebook share stands about
13% below its $38 initial offer price.
Hillgrove PR has the opinion that Facebook
should revitalise their public relations and marketing strategy to make use of
the 900 million opportunities it has!
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